A Legacy of Leadership
Retired Navy Admiral Henry “Hank” Mauz and Margaret “Peggy” Mauz are celebrated for theirexceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to service of our Nation.
With an impressive record of achievements, Adm. Mauz held key leadership positions that significantly contributed to national security. Notably, he served as the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Commander of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, U.S. Seventh Fleet and Naval Forces Central Command during Operations Desert Storm/Desert Shield. In these critical roles, he demonstrated exemplary command and strategic prowess, coordinating efforts across coalition navies and protecting vital interests.
Beyond his military service, Mauz’s legacy also lies in his profound impact on the next generation of national security leaders. Following retirement in December 1994, Mauz's dedication to the Naval Postgraduate School became evident through his instrumental work with the NPS Foundation. Under Mauz's visionary leadership, the Foundation blossomed into a catalyst for change and progress for the school. As the President and later Chairman of the NPS Foundation, Mauz diligently worked to familiarize the local community with NPS, championing its importance and fostering engagement. Recognizing the exceptional value of the school, he became a vocal advocate during challenging times, including the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. Through early white papers, letters to leadership and unwavering commitment, Mauz championed the institution's significance, ultimately playing a pivotal role in saving NPS from closure.
Admiral Mauz also played an important role in influencing legislative changes that allowed private citizens to run the school under a five-year term, facilitating a new era of leadership. His efforts, coupled with the tragic events of 9/11, brought together a diverse group of individuals, eager to support NPS and its mission. Mauz curated a distinguished Board of Trustees that brought unprecedented expertise and impact to NPS and the NPS Foundation. Mauz's transformative work for NPS and the NPS Foundation is a testament to his unwavering commitment to higher education, national security and the next generation of military leaders.
The Mauz legacy of advocacy, leadership and community engagement continues to shape NPS and theFoundation, solidifying the school as a vanguard of innovation and excellence.
The Mauz Innovation Fund will be a catalyst for transformative change, shaping Foundation initiatives and support, and guiding NPS towards a future that embraces cutting-edge technology, fosters an innovation-driven culture, and forges strategic partnerships of broader significance.
Innovation Leadership Positions: Innovation Leadership positions for both the Naval Postgraduate School and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation will be a key leaders in tech transformation, strategic partnerships and the Naval Innovation Center at NPS. The impact of these positions will be felt across the campus, setting the stage for an era of growth, transformation and global influence.
Naval Innovation Center at NPS: The Mauz Innovation Fund will provide support for the Naval Innovation Center at NPS, ensuring that the center meets NPS’ and NPS Foundation’s vision and intent for the facility, attracting top faculty and partners and becoming a beacon of innovation and ingenuity.
Development of Strategic Partnerships: The Mauz Innovation Fund will support the cultivation of strategic partnerships with industry leaders, government agencies, and research institutions to help NPS amplify its impact, attract top talent, and foster a collaborative ecosystem that accelerates breakthroughs.
Tech Transformation: The Mauz Innovation Fund will support the integration of emerging technologies and innovative practices into NPS’ academic and research landscape. By supporting NPS innovation initiatives and encouraging faculty and students to explore novel approaches, the innovation culture will thrive, propelling NPS to the forefront of technological advancement.